P.O.P. Participants Learn About Screen Printing While Local Artists Make FREE Resistance Correspondence For #TheIdesOfTrump & Other Legislative Writing Campaigns
Sunday, March 5, 2017, 12 noon – 2 p.m.
The Chicago Printmakers Collaborative (CPC), the city’s longest running
independent print shop (since 1989), and DailyActivists, a progressive action
smartphone app and website, will present POSTCARDS OF PERSISTENCE, a project
featuring CPC artists creating and sharing a variety of postcard and poster designs for
the community to use to contact legislators, hoping to mail at least a million postcards
from around the country on March 15, to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
NW, Washington, DC 20500. Please bring the supplies and snacks listed below.
Not only will participants create marketing materials to support their activism,
they’ll also get to learn about basic screen printing in person for free. Since the 2016
election, CPC has hosted two similar events where artists interfaced with the community
to create protest collateral, donating designs, ink and other materials.
This event will focus on the creation of postcards for #TheIdesOfTrump to be
mailed on March 15, although this campaign and all participants’ missions are non-violent
and free speech-focused, as well as for any activists’ other postcard campaigns
(postcards have been recommended over letters for mailed communications, which, as
sealed items, can be held up in security screenings).
CPC will set up screens with artists’ #resist and #shepersisted-inspired designs,
then print a single dark color onto light colored card stock or poster paper. The organizers
suggest that all cards should contain #TheIdesOfTrump, #TheIdes and/or
#PostcardParty, and senders should take finished card photos to share on social media.
The CPC/DailyActivists 3/5 event is part of the national Print/Organize/Protest event that currently includes New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Columbus, Charlotte, Berkeley and Santa Cruz. #POP #printorganizeprotest #printorganizeprotestCHICAGO
Sunday, March 5, 2017, 12 noon – 2 p.m.
The event is FREE; however, donations are encouraged to defray CPC costs. Any extra donations will go to the ACLU.
Chicago Printmakers Collaborative, 4912 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60625, 773-293-7070
* CARD STOCK (thick paper) 8.5 x 11” sheets on which to print resistance designs
* PINK STOCK is not required, but suggested since this protest emulates a termination
“pink slip,” plus it supports the pink pussy hat theme of international Women’s Marches
* LARGE CARD STOCK 16x20 thick paper for posters
* PINK MARKERS OR CRAYONS to add pink to the cards (as well as any other colors)
* SNACKS are not required, but a welcome addition to any protest party!
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MAILING: USPS postcard spex:
Postcard stamps (not included at this event) are $.34 ($.49 or “Forever” letter stamps can
be used as well). Return addresses are not required or recommended.
For more information about the national postcard campaign, visit: @TheIdesOfTrump #PostcardProtest
CPC Founder/Director Deborah Maris Lader said, “CPC has ALWAYS been a SAFE
SPACE for all people, ages, genders, religions, races and backgrounds. Along with our
DailyActivists partners, we invite people to our shop to celebrate DIVERSITY and
Historically, printmaking has been a DEMOCRATIC medium, a way to get the word out,
and a celebration of FREE SPEECH. CPC, in solidarity with other print shops around the
country, is opening its doors in the name of INCLUSION. So many feel frustrated,
disappointed and afraid, and are looking for tangible political catharsis to voice their
fears, and to unify through THE ACT OF MAKING.
CPC artists have created a variety of images that can be screen printed, focusing this
event on card stock in regular or large form (see “Bring” above) for postcard writing and
other initiatives. We'll provide the inks and screens and other material, just keep in mind
we're not able to switch out ink colors once we've started. We're looking forward to
having you join us for this gathering!”
DailyActivists Communication Coordinator Karin McKie said, “Our smartphone app and
website are pleased to bring our digital activism to the proud tradition of print protests.
We’re also honored to showcase the prodigious talents of Chicagoland artists in making
our voices heard during this time when our democracy is threatened. We hope our
passionate community will join us for this boots-on-the-ground and anger-into-action
celebration of free speech and advocacy. No matter the obstacles, we persist.”
Tree Falls Productions, 773-458-0581,